1st Open Competition (PDI only)
Date: Friday 12th October 2018
Judge: Phil Chadwick
1st: Keep up Jones, anthurium on parade - Ian Fearn
2nd: Catch of the day - Rhys Hughes
3rd: Vying for the trophy - Rolf Kraehenbeuhl
HC: Cinnamon Swirl - Jonathan Whalley
HC: Shroom with a view - Sheila McAbe
C: Fern - Trevor Smith
C: Redshank - David Flitcroft
Date: Friday 12th October 2018
Judge: Phil Chadwick
1st: Keep up Jones, anthurium on parade - Ian Fearn
2nd: Catch of the day - Rhys Hughes
3rd: Vying for the trophy - Rolf Kraehenbeuhl
HC: Cinnamon Swirl - Jonathan Whalley
HC: Shroom with a view - Sheila McAbe
C: Fern - Trevor Smith
C: Redshank - David Flitcroft